21 April 2009

How does your garden grow?

After what feels like months of having the weak, I finally am starting to feel "normal". Or at least feel like I am showing improvement. My bf has been working hard at weeding out the area behind our fig tree, so that I could plant a veggie garden. I really wanted to do the weeding. But I tried and FAILED!!! The weeds were mighty! They fought hard to stay in the ground and won. So the bf used his brute strength to get rid of all of the weeds.

Yesterday, I went out there and planted the veggies. YAY!!! And there was a teeny tiny section of weeds staring at me. Not much, but right along the wall. They were taunting me. I got out the hula-hoe, just like before, but this time I won the battle! I was so excited. Small win for me! Then I completed the planting job. After it was all said and done, the plants and seeds were all in the ground, I was covered in mud and sweat, I felt really good. This was the first time I have really done something physical in months. It is a good start. A good sign. Times are a changing. I am on the mend.

Here is the veggie garden. My big accomplishment for Monday!

I think we might have over did it for our first veggie garden. I planted tomatoes, squash, pumpkin, honey dew, leeks, spinach, snow peas, snap peas, and some different pepper plants. Now hopefully it will grow and we will get to eat the harvest before the 007 squirrels get to them.

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